Our company’s unwavering policy is to provide consistently high-quality products, as well as to respect the customer and to serve his needs in the best possible way.
This goal is realized through the understanding of customer needs, as well as with the establishment and maintenance of a cooperative environment that encourages all company staff to continuously improve the company’s processes concerning PRODUCTION & TRADE OF CHEMICALS.
Within this context, our company has developed control procedures, based on the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard at all stages of the implementation processes of the products and services it provides.
With this Policy, BFP Advanced Technologies is committed, to maintain respect and responsibility towards the customer, through the compliance with the requirements of the Quality Management System, aiming at continuous improvement, with ultimate recipients being the customers, employees and partners of the company.
Quality Policy of BFP Advanced Technologies is a living and constantly evolving culture and commitment, suitable at all times for the activities and needs of the company and its customers. Its continuous adequacy is ensured through its regular review in order to determine compliance with the company’s existing objectives and goals, in the context of the reviews of the Quality Management System.
We consider absolutely necessary that all our human resources can fully understand and implement the above. Towards this end, we employ clear communication and training processes, as well as provide those resources required for their consistent implementation.
At the same time, we provide all necessary resources to secure the most modern equipment available, always in accordance with any legal requirements.
Finally, we are aware of the necessity to learn from our mistakes and to systematically try not to repeat them, by creating an appropriate prevention framework, where this is possible.