Management Team

Dr. Nikolaos Papadopoulos
Chief Executive Officer
The management team is led by Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nikolaos Papadopoulos. After carrying out pioneering post-doctoral research in the field of nanotechnology at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and having led numerous research projects in materials science, Dr. Papadopoulos decided to enter the business world in 2013 with the vision of bridging scientific evolution with every day products.
His main field of expertise is nano-materials, including nano-coatings, nano-powders, mono-disperse nanoparticles, hydrocolloids, spinel ferrites, core-shell nano-structures, nano surfactants and composites. He specializes in chemical processing by advanced techniques, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), sol-gel, co-precipitation and thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds.
He holds 5 world patents and two national patents in the above fields. The Orbite Process (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbite_Technologies) which exploits industrial waste for producing valuable products in a 50-million-dollar pilot plant in Canada was based on the findings of his patent WO2010/079369A1. Various other funded projects, such as the €3.5 million EU-funded “Hellenic-Ref”, the primary objective of which was the facile production of hydrogen from sea water with the aid of magnetic catalysts, have been based on his patents, too.
Dr. Papadopoulos received his degree of Metallurgical Engineer from NTUA. In the following year, he was granted his Master’s degree in the field of Materials Science and Technology at the School of Chemical Engineering. In 2010 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the field of magnetic ultra-thin films. He has published more than 30 articles in scientific peer reviewed journals of high impact factor and citations to his articles exceed 200. He speaks fluently English and German.
At BFP, Dr. Papadopoulos serves as CEO. He is also the Head of Research and Development of the company’s current product line, being the primary inventor, as well as the Coordinator of various EU-funded projects in collaboration with renowned Institutes and Universities.

Sotirios Xafakis
Production and sales manager
Production and sales manager of BFP is Mr. Sotirios Xafakis. Mr. Xafakis has an extensive professional experience, often holding positions of high responsibility. He has worked in the production and sales departments of several Greek companies and industries, as well as in the quality control department of Hellenic Copper Mines Ltd. In Cyprus. He has deep knowledge of internal management and quality control systems applied by large companies as well as of sales and resources distribution channel development.
Mr. Xafakis received his degree of Metallurgical Engineer from NTUA in 2003. His thesis focused on hydrometallurgy and process critical assessment. He was granted his Master’s degree in the field of Materials Science and Technology at the School of Chemical Engineering (NTUA) in 2005. He is a co- co-author of various technical articles focusing on product case studies and occupational safety strategies. He has taken part in various presentations of the company and its products.
Within BFP, Mr. Xafakis is also responsible for distribution monitoring, while at the same time he serves as a liaison between the R&D department and the company’s partners, always trying to have in-person communication with them.